Dr. Grace, PharmD is a trained functional medicine practitioner and founder of The Gut Institute. She has a doctorate in pharmacy and has been in practice for 19+ years as a clinical pharmacist who specializes in complex disease management.
Dr. Liu consults with and helps clients gain optimal health performance through rebuilding the microbiome after damage from modern living. She uses nutrigenomic tools and other advanced functional lab testing.
Currently she is training some functional medicine leaders to approach gut protocols with her expertise. Clients include paleo movement leaders and a UFC MMA fighter in the top 10.
She has been invited to speak at Ancestral Health Symposium (2016, 2014, 2011), Paleo Convention Berlin, PaleoFx for two years in a row, interviewed for a documentary (by ‘Microbirth’ producers) and Women’s Health UK magazine on the skin-gut microbiome.
Recently she shared the stage with Dr David Perlmutter (author Grain Brain) on the Expert Microbiome Panel at Paleof(x)16 in Austin, Texas.